
a course that actually explains


in a clear and accessible way


It's a word that sends a shiver down the spines of physics students everywhere.

It might bring to mind confusing definitions, complicated transformation laws, and unreadable equations riddled with indices.

It’s enough to make even the best physics student’s head spin.

If you can relate, you’re not alone.

I’ve heard from hundreds of physics students who are deeply frustrated with tensors:

  • what they are 
  • why they’re so important
  • and how the heck to use them correctly

And above all, students who are lost in those endless seas of "covariant" and "contravariant" indices. 

I understand—I’ve been lost in that sea too.

But I’ve made it to the other side. I’ve learned the math, science, (and art) of tensors.

And I want to show you the path to mastering them for yourself.

It's Not Your Fault

First things first:

If you’re confused about tensors, it’s not your fault.

The usual physics curriculum does a terrible job introducing students to tensors—despite the fact that they’re some of the most important mathematical objects in physics.

You might have run into a few examples here and there—like the rotational inertia tensor $I_{ij}$ in a Newtonian mechanics class.

But most students don’t get a proper introduction to tensors until it’s jam-packed into the first two weeks of an advanced class on general relativity—Einstein's theory of gravity in curved spacetime.

That’s NUTS.

Tensors are already a challenging-enough subject.

Expecting students to learn them at the same time that they’re thrown into Einstein's mind-bending world of curved spacetime is downright cruel.

You don’t need to know anything about general relativity to understand tensors.

You can (and should) learn about tensors starting from the regular old world of Newtonian mechanics—and gradually work your way up from there.

There's a Better Way

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a course about tensors aimed at intermediate physics students that meets you where you’re at?

A course that guides you through the fundamentals of tensors, starting from the language of things you already know, like vectors in 3D space?

That's the course I set out to create:

A clear and accessible introduction to tensors that any sophomore-level physics student can understand from start to finish.

And the course is called Fundamentals of Tensor Calculus!

Hello! I'm Dr. Elliot Schneider 👋.

I've been studying physics for about two decades—and teaching it almost as long. I did my PhD in physics at Harvard and before that my BS at Caltech. 

I love physics, and I especially love teaching physics. Traditionally, the best physics classes have been reserved for students at elite (and expensive) universities.

That's why I'm working to make exceptional physics courses like this one available online!

Why Tensors?

Tensors are essential tools for understanding a huge range of subjects in physics.

Whatever physics topic you're interested in, whether it's

  • Newtonian mechanics
  • Electromagnetism
  • Relativity
  • Quantum field theory

and many more, you're going to be running into tensors all over the place.

And that means you need to know how to work with them. 

The basic reason that tensors are so important is simple:

Tensors are the geometric objects that let us write down the laws of physics as coordinate-independent equations.

And by the way, you're already very familiar with one tensor equation: $\vec F = m \vec a!$

That's because $\vec F$ and $\vec a$ are vectors—and vectors are just the simplest examples of tensors.

But crucially, vectors alone are not enough. We need tensors, too!

And you'll learn many physical examples of tensors in this course, including

  • the rotational inertia, stress, and strain tensors in Newtonian mechanics
  • the field strength, polarizability, and conductivity tensors in electromagnetism
  • the metric, stress-energy, and Riemann curvature tensors in relativity

But before you can get to the physics applications, you'll need to understand how tensors are even defined in the first place.

And, unfortunately, textbooks tend to make that much harder than it needs to be

A Tale of Two Definitions

There are two common definitions of tensors out there that you may have run into in physics and math textbooks.

And they both kind of suck for physics students trying to learn about tensors for the first time.

The definition you'll find in physics books goes something like this:

"A rank $\boldsymbol{(n,m)}$ tensor $\boldsymbol{T^{i_1\cdots i_n}{}_{j_1\cdots j_m}}$ is a set of numbers labeled by $\boldsymbol{n}$ upper indices and $\boldsymbol{m}$ lower indices that transforms according to the rule

\boldsymbol{T}&^{\boldsymbol{i_1'\cdots i_n'}}\boldsymbol{{}_{j_1' \cdots j_m'}\vphantom{\frac{\partial  x^{i_1'}}{\partial x^{i_1} }}}\\
=& \boldsymbol{\frac{\partial  x^{i_1'}}{\partial x^{i_1} }\cdots \frac{\partial x^{i_n'} }{\partial x^{i_n} } 
\frac{\partial  x^{j_1}}{\partial x^{j_1'} }\cdots \frac{\partial  x^{j_m}}{\partial x^{j_m'} }}\\
&\times \boldsymbol{T^{i_1\cdots i_n}{}_{j_1\cdots j_m}}

under a coordinate transformation from coordinates $\boldsymbol{x}$ to $\boldsymbol{x'}.$"


I don't know about you, but I can barely make it halfway through that definition before my eyes start to glaze over 😵‍💫. 

Is it any wonder students come away thinking tensors are scary?!

You will understand what this complicated looking equation means in this course, but we're going to work our way up to it gradually.

In math books, meanwhile, you'll see a very different looking definition of tensors:

"A rank $\boldsymbol{(n,m)}$ tensor $\boldsymbol{T}$ is a multi-linear map that takes $\boldsymbol{m}$ vectors and $\boldsymbol{n}$ dual vectors and returns a number."

This version doesn't have any complicated equations or indices in it, at least!

And yet, it must still seem very mysterious for a physics student encountering it for the first time.

"Multi-linear maps?"

"Dual vectors?"

"What does all that abstract math have to do with the physics objects I'm used to working with?"

You'll understand both of these definitions—and how they're related to each other—by the end of this course.

But I'm not going to start the course with either of them.

Instead, I'm going to show you that tensors are straightforward extensions of the things you already understand: vectors in 3D space.

And once you've made the leap from vectors to tensors, you'll unlock a whole new perspective on some of the deepest topics in physics—like the tensor formulation of electromagnetism.

Learn the True Form of Electromagnetism

Depending on how much electricity and magnetism you've studied so far, you may have run into Maxwell's equations:

$$\begin{align}&\vec\nabla \cdot \vec E = \rho \vphantom{\frac{\partial  \vec B}{\partial t }}\\ &\vec\nabla \cdot \vec B = 0\\
&\vec\nabla \times \vec E = - \frac{\partial \vec B }{\partial t }\\
&\vec\nabla \times \vec B = \vec J +\frac{\partial  \vec E}{\partial t } \end{align}$$

Essentially, they're the analog of $\vec F = m \vec a$ for electric and magnetic fields.

Their discovery was the crowning achievement of 19th-century physics.

And yet they're kind of hideous.

I mean, just look at them. 

They're a jumbled mess of three different kinds of derivatives:

  • the divergence $\vec\nabla \cdot \vec V$
  • the curl $\vec\nabla \times \vec V$
  • and time derivatives $\partial \vec V/\partial t$

Not to mention the fact that there are four of them.

So why do Maxwell's equations come out looking so complicated, whereas $\vec F = m \vec a$ is beautifully simple?

Because we're writing them in a dumb notation!

Or at least, a notation that hides the true mathematical structure of electromagnetism.

You see, $\vec E$ and $\vec B$ are actually just pieces of a more fundamental object: the electromagnetic tensor $F_{\mu\nu}.$

And in the language of tensors, Maxwell's equations boil down to essentially one line:

$$\nabla_\nu F^{\mu\nu} = J^\mu.$$

Now that's a beautiful equation!

To understand it, though, you'll need to learn the tensor index notation that's used all throughout higher-level physics.

Master the Indices, and the Geometry

Crack open most any advanced physics book and you're likely to be bombarded with tensor equations.

Equations that often come packed with indices.

Take Einstein's famous $E = mc^2,$ for example—or more generally, $E = \sqrt{(mc^2)^2 + (\boldsymbol p c)^2}$ for the energy of a particle with momentum $\boldsymbol p.$

It's an equation that comes up constantly—and you'll find it written in tensor notation in at least half a dozen different ways:

$$\begin{align}-m^2c^2 =~& p_\mu p^\mu \vphantom{\sum}\\ =~& p^\mu p_\mu \vphantom{\sum}\\ =~& \eta_{\mu\nu}p^\mu p^\nu \vphantom{\sum}\\ =~& \eta^{\mu\nu}p_\mu p_\nu \vphantom{\sum}\\ =~& -(p^0)^2 + p^i p_i \vphantom{\sum}\\ =~&\vec p\cdot \vec p.\end{align}$$

And this is a simple example of an index equation.

Learning to deal with indices can be a major roadblock for students trying to break into higher-level physics.

It's literally written in a completely different language from what you're used to!

And you might be left wondering

  • why are some indices like $p^\mu$ written as superscripts, while others like $p_\mu$ are subscripts?
  • why are Greek letters like $\mu$ and $\nu$ used in some places, while regular letters like $i$ and $j$ are used in others?
  • what does it mean when the same index is repeated, like in $p^\mu p_\mu?$

As with any new language, tensor index notation takes time and practice to become fluent.

And by the end of this course, you'll be able to read, write, and manipulate equations like these with ease.

At the same time, though, it's easy to get lost in the sea of indices and forget what the equations actually mean geometrically. 

That's why I'm going to teach you both the practical skills for manipulating indices and the geometry behind them.

What Students Say About The Course

A Three-Part Guide to Mastery

There's so much I want to teach you about tensors that I built Fundamentals of Tensor Calculus as a series of three courses.

Each part will guide you through the key skills you need for working with tensors—starting from the basics and gradually building up from there.

Part I: Fundamentals of Cartesian Tensors 

(Available now!)

Part I will bring you up to speed on the basics: understanding tensors in the 3D world of Newtonian mechanics that you're already comfortable with, while keeping things as simple as possible by sticking to Cartesian coordinates.

Part II: Fundamentals of Curvilinear Tensors 

(Coming soon!)

Part II will explain how tensors work in arbitrary (aka "curvilinear") coordinates in 3D space. And at the same time, you'll learn the powerful index notation that's so crucial for understanding higher-level physics.

Part III: Fundamentals of Spacetime Tensors

(Coming soon!)

Part III will take the leap to 4D spacetime, where we'll study tensors in the realm of special relativity—plus an introduction to how tensors are used in the curved spacetimes of general relativity.

All together, this three-part series is the essential introduction to tensors for physics students.

Clips From The Course

In Part I, You'll Learn...

… the essential skills for understanding tensors in the regular-old world of Newtonian mechanics, so that you don't drown in the deep-end by trying to dive straight into tensors in 4D spacetime. 

 that tensors are straightforward generalizations of things you're already familiar with: vectors in 3D space.

… how to understand tensors as geometric, coordinate-independent objects—and why their components must therefore transform when we change coordinates.

how the familiar tools of calculus are generalized for tensors, so that you can write down the laws of physics as coordinate-independent tensor equations.

… both the theory behind tensors AND how to work with them in practice, thanks to the many problems and solutions that go along with the lessons.

In Part II, You'll Learn...

… how to work with tensors in general coordinate systems, so that you have the freedom to pick whatever coordinates are most convenient for the problem at hand.

… why tensors in non-Cartesian coordinates have two types of indices: upper (aka “contravariant”) and lower (aka “covariant”). (And why most people don’t actually call them contravariant or covariant anymore!)

… how to master the many flavors of tensor indices—whether they’re upper, lower, free, dummy, contracted, symmetrized, or anti-symmetrized—so that you can read, write, and manipulate tensor equations like a pro.

… the geometric origins of the covariant derivative $\nabla_i A^j = \partial_i A^j + \Gamma^j_{ik} A^k$—and why the mere partial derivative $\partial A^j/\partial x^i$ doesn’t qualify as a tensor.

… the intuitive meaning of the connection coefficients (aka Christoffel symbols) $\Gamma^i_{jk}$ that play a critical role in tensor calculus whenever we work with non-Cartesian coordinates.

… where the complicated formulas for div, grad, curl, and the Laplacian in the back of your E&M textbook actually come from—and how to derive them for yourself in any coordinate system you want.

In Part III, You'll Learn...

… how to generalize tensors from the 3D world of Newtonian mechanics to the 4D spacetime of special relativity, so that you can understand how the laws of physics are formulated in Einstein's theory.

… how the Minkowski metric tensor defines the geometry of flat spacetime, and the geometric meaning of the corresponding Lorentz transformations that leave the metric invariant.

… how to work with relativistic tensor equations overflowing with $\mu\mathrm{'s},$ $\nu\mathrm{'s},$ and every other Greek index under the sun, which show up in every physics subject related to relativity.

… that the electric and magnetic fields $\vec E$ and $\vec B$ are actually just pieces of a more fundamental object—the electromagnetic tensor $F_{\mu\nu}$—and how most of electromagnetism is contained in one tensor equation, $\nabla_\nu F^{\mu\nu} = J^\mu.$

… the link between the “transformation law” definition of tensors found in physics books and the “linear map” definition in math books, so that you can understand how both physicists and mathematicians think about tensors.

… the majority of what you need to know about tensors to take on the curved spacetimes of general relativity—most of which you can learn in the much less confusing world of flat space!

Screenshots From the Course

The Average College Course Costs $4406

The average cost of a course at a private US college is over four thousand dollars.

And as any college student can tell you, the teaching is… hit or miss.

Hopefully you’re here because you already know from my YouTube videos that my teaching style clicks with you. And you've seen from the testimonials above just how much previous students have loved taking this course!

Not to mention the fact that courses about tensor calculus aimed at intermediate physics students aren't even offered at most colleges.

So if you're an intermediate student who's been struggling to understand the math of tensors and how they fit in with physics, there's finally a course that's meant for you!

And you can enroll at a fraction of the cost of a traditional college class—and take the lessons from the comfort of your own house!

Not positive if the course is the right fit for you?

That's why I offer a 14 day money-back guarantee, so that you can sign up risk-free and make sure this really is the right course for you.

14 Day Money-Back Guarantee

I want you to love these courses. If you get started and find that it's not quite the right fit for you, just send me a message within the first two weeks to return it for a full refund. No questions asked.

Optional Add-On: 1-to-1 Coaching Support

An online course has A LOT of advantages over a traditional one.

📅 You can complete the lessons on your own schedule.

🏠 You can attend from the comfort of your own home.

⏯️ You can pause, rewind, and rewatch.

(I can't tell you the number of times I'd wished I had a remote control to pause or rewind a professor's lecture during classes I took in college!)

There’s one major disadvantage, though.

And it's that I’m not there with you in class to answer your questions.

That’s why I’m offering an optional add-on for 1-to-1 Coaching Support:

Due to the number of students taking the class at once, it unfortunately won't be possible for me to give detailed question and answer support to everyone.

(Though I do my best to answer quick questions in the course comment sections!)

But with the 1-to-1 Coaching add-on, I’ll be available to answer your questions as you progress through the course.

Any time you

🙋 get stuck on a problem

🙋 get confused about an equation

🙋 need help understanding any concepts from the course

you'll be able to send me a message, and I'll help as soon as I can.

I can only provide 1-to-1 Coaching Support to a limited number of students at a time, however, so please be aware that this offer may sell out.




What you get:

  • Part I: Fundamentals of Cartesian Tensors 
  • 14 hours of lesson videos
  • 50+ practice problems and solutions
  • Lecture summary sheets
  • Formula sheet
  • 14 day money-back guarantee
Enroll Now!




What you get:

  • Part I: Fundamentals of Cartesian Tensors 
  • 14 hours of lesson videos
  • 50+ practice problems and solutions
  • Lecture summary sheets
  • Formula sheet
  • 14 day money-back guarantee
  • 1-to-1 question & answer support ($417 $317)
Enroll Now!


Coming soon!


What you get:

  • Part II: Fundamentals of Curvilinear Tensors 
  • Lesson videos
  • Practice problem and solution PDFs
  • Lecture summary sheet PDFs
  • Formula sheet PDF
  • 14 day money-back guarantee
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Coming soon!


What you get:

  • Part III: Fundamentals of Spacetime Tensors 
  • Lesson videos
  • Practice problem and solution PDFs
  • Lecture summary sheet PDFs
  • Formula sheet PDF
  • 14 day money-back guarantee
Notify Me!

If you're not sure yet if the course is right for you, take a look at the FAQs below, and also feel free to write to me at [email protected] with any additional questions.

Frequently Asked Questions




What you get:

  • Part I: Fundamentals of Cartesian Tensors 
  • 14 hours of lesson videos
  • 50+ practice problems and solutions
  • Lecture summary sheets
  • Formula sheet
  • 14 day money-back guarantee
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What you get:

  • Part I: Fundamentals of Cartesian Tensors 
  • 14 hours of lesson videos
  • 50+ practice problems and solutions
  • Lecture summary sheets
  • Formula sheet
  • 14 day money-back guarantee
  • 1-to-1 question & answer support ($417 $317)
Enroll Now!


Coming soon!


What you get:

  • Part II: Fundamentals of Curvilinear Tensors 
  • Lesson videos
  • Practice problem and solution PDFs
  • Lecture summary sheet PDFs
  • Formula sheet PDF
  • 14 day money-back guarantee
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Coming soon!


What you get:

  • Part III: Fundamentals of Spacetime Tensors 
  • Lesson videos
  • Practice problem and solution PDFs
  • Lecture summary sheet PDFs
  • Formula sheet PDF
  • 14 day money-back guarantee
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If you have any additional questions about whether the course is right for you, feel free to write to me at [email protected].

© 2024 - 2025 Physics with Elliot